Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery is a minimal invasive surgery procedure that includesperforming laparoscopic procedures through single incision. A 20 mm single incision is donein the patient's skin within the umbilicus, or belly button. Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgeryis also known as SILS, Single Port Access (SPA) Surgery, laparo endoscopic single-site surgery (LESS) and one port umbilical surgery (OPUS), NOTUS (natural orifice transumbilical surgery)and E-NOTES (Embryonic Natural Orifice transumbilical surgery).
The entire surgery is done through this incision; a scope is inserted that provides surgeonwith larger view at various angles. Organ extraction if required is also done through the sameincision, thus SILS surgery virtually leaves no visible scar in the body.
Laparoscopic surgery also referred to as minimally invasive surgery describes the performanceof surgical procedures with the assistance of a video camera and several thin instruments.During the surgical procedure, small incisions of up to half an inch are made and plastic tubescalled ports are placed through these incisions. The camera and the instruments are then introduced through the ports which allow access to the inside of the patient.
The camera transmits an image of the organs inside the abdomen onto a television monitor .The surgeon is not able to see directly into the patient without the traditional large incision. The video camera becomes a surgeon's eyes in laparoscopy surgery, since the surgeon uses theimage from the video camera positioned inside the patient's body to perform the procedure.
Advantages of Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery & Minimal invasive surgery
There are no real disadvantages of SILS if a surgeon is experienced in SILS, however the surgerymay take little longer time and also not all laparoscopic procedures can be performed with bysingle incision laparoscopic method.